Content saturation is real in the tech industry
Outsource at least one aspect of their content marketing activity.
Self-declared that they are extremely committed to content marketing
Of the survey participants were unsuccessful in their content marketing investment.
Already make use of content marketing to attract leads.
Source: 2018 Technology Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends-North America (Research by Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs).
Just publishing content no longer makes you special!
The first thing about those statistics that should strike you is that everyone is publishing content.
If you are not, accept the fact that your competitors are, and that they are getting the customers you are after at a dime a dozen.
Before you jump right into the fray, though, keep in mind that while just showing up daily with content might have made an impression five years ago, the problem with the SaaS space today is not a lack of content, but too much of it.
To worsen the content saturation problem, a widespread misapplication of the skyscraper technique has turned the SaaS content climate into a landfill of recycled ideas. Almost all with a bit of writing talent are searching target keywords on Google and rehashing the top 10 search results for a keyword into yet another ultimate guide.
So, for you to stand a chance of surfacing above the content pollution, you need far more than just showing up.
You need to publish unique and thoughtful content regularly to show your thought-leadership and add to the body of new knowledge being produced in your category.
Need Buyer-Attracting Content?
Brilliant Content Marketing for B2B SaaS Companies
Our content marketing process delivers three predictable outcomes for B2B SaaS companies:
- Turn you into industry thought leaders: Even though your category is content saturated (which SaaS category isn’t?) we will find unique story angles that will serve your audience a fresh perspective and bring you recognition in your industry as a thought-leader.
- High SERP rankings for Your Important Keywords: We obsess over satisfying the search intent of every visitor that lands on your web page. Search engines are much smarter today and focus more on user satisfaction than on page optimizations. Hence, our first job is to provide the most helpful top of the funnel experience for your audience by only targeting trending topics where audience and business interests intersect.
- Uplift in Demand Generation: We will identify the questions that your audience are asking at each stage of their journey, and proffer thoughtful solutions that will gain their respect and earn their trust. The goal here is to get them to a level of familiarity with your brand where they accept your product as a solid option in your category.
We will implement a solid Top of The Funnel content strategy for your brand. Regular educational content on topics important to your audience as they begin their journey will generate buzz and position you as the go-to brand in your category.
Here we will create content targeted at converting existing demand of those who are already attracted to your solution. Goal will involve reaching and capturing those searching for persona-related topics online.
Our primary mission here will be to identify high value tasks in your solution. Then we will craft email sequences and blog posts that will reduce Time To Value for your users and help make use of your solution habit-forming.
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