Generic content is stunting your MRR growth.

Let me fix that.

My pain-killer methodology prioritizes content that converts readers to customers, not junk traffic!

Acquire Topical Authority

Get content that will differentiate you in your category, solve problems and earn you the mind share of your audience

Grow Targeted Traffic

Attract an audience of your ICPs to your pipeline with thoughtful, problem-solving content that meets them where they are

Turn Leads Into Customers

Nudge leads into taking conversion actions that add zeros to your bottom line using well-placed pain-led CTAs

Your keywords are great, but your conversion sucks!

Your keyword-first approach worked in 2010.

But this is 2022. 

It’s time to try something different that puts your customers first.


My four-stage framework predictably delivers high-conversion content

Here is the secret sauce: I use customer pain as the fuel to ideate hard-to-ignore content that your audience will consume, bookmark, and share.

Research and Positioning

I start with identifying who you say you are, the problems you solve, and why those problems are important enough to be addressed. Picture me buried neck-deep in brand guides, sales call recordings, and customer review data...

Identify Your ICPs

Next, I map your solutions to your ICPs, uncovering the psychological, transformational, and emotive journey they are on and how your product fits into their journey stage

Content Strategy

This is when I conduct keyword research to map your ICPs' problems identified during research to keywords with search potential. By prioritizing MOFU and BOFU topics, I ensure business goals are the NorthStar we target

Craft Problem-killer Content

Taking an account-based approach, I craft targeted content that helps your ICP solve specific problems. This content may not go viral, but in the hands of your target audience, it is Trojan Horse that leaves a wow effect and justifies itself with the revenue it creates.

What You Get When You Work With Me

Tired of chasing vanity metrics?

SaaS Copy works with ambitious tech startups to enhance their differentiation through content. 
